Lucian Iacob, Developer in Dumbrăveni, Suceava County, Romania
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Lucian Iacob

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Android Developer

Dumbrăveni, Suceava County, Romania
Toptal Member Since
November 17, 2021

Lucian is a skilled Android developer with seven years of experience in various industries. He has developed SDKs and white-label and branded applications. He created an Android app that helps farmers manage their animals, a device diagnostics app, and an SDK and test app with encryption storage. At IBM, he developed apps for clients while mentoring junior developers. Lucian believes in continuous professional development to keep his skills sharp and provide clients with the best in technology.


Android, Java, Kotlin, Android API, Material Design, Mobile Development...
Priceline - Main
Android, Java, Kotlin, Android API, Contentful, Android SDK, Figma...
Android, Android SDK, Android Studio, AndroidX, Coroutines, Kotlin, Java...




Preferred Environment

MacBook, Android Studio, Android, GitHub, Model View ViewModel (MVVM), Coroutines, Reactive Programming, Code Review, Android Jetpack, Mobile Development

The most amazing...

...product I've helped develop is a health platform for the insurance industry now used by millions of people.

Work Experience

Senior Android Engineer

2023 - PRESENT
  • Evaluated, improved, tested and released company acquired apps. Increased ratings and improved the stability of various apps.
  • Worked on a different app every two weeks. Targeted new Android versions and provided compatibility with the range of Android versions supported.
  • Evaluated the technical level of new candidates, providing an accurate overview of their coding style.
Technologies: Android, Java, Kotlin, Android API, Material Design, Mobile Development, CI/CD Pipelines, Figma, Jetpack Compose

Senior Android Engineer

2023 - 2023
Priceline - Main
  • Developed an Android SDK wrapping Contentful functionalities specific for company usage.
  • Migrated Apollo GraphQL repositories from version 3 to version 4 so that there would be no interruptions for other engineers.
  • Implemented an on-demand card in the existing UI, which connects to Contentful and displays marketing-created content.
Technologies: Android, Java, Kotlin, Android API, Contentful, Android SDK, Figma, Jetpack Compose

Senior Android Engineer

2021 - 2022
  • Built a new module that applied a wrapper on top of Chrome Custom Tabs SDK to simplify its usage.
  • Integrated a binary compatibility check support for the public API of a module.
  • Assisted the client in re-writing an old legacy code that didn't fit current standards.
  • Migrated core REST APIs to GraphQL and guided other developers into using GraphQL, Apollo Studio, and Apollo Kotlin SDK.
  • Built a networking SDK containing Kotlin DSLs to perform different network requests.
Technologies: Android, Android SDK, Android Studio, AndroidX, Coroutines, Kotlin, Java, Android Jetpack, Chrome API, Material Design, APIs, GraphQL, REST, Mobile Development, CI/CD Pipelines, Jetpack Compose

Android Developer

2019 - 2021
  • Developed an SDK that encapsulated the UI and logic for the user's medical history. Focused on adding new features, fixing bugs, and creating unit tests.
  • Created white label apps and branded applications for different clients and integrated a common SDK for all of them. Involved in colors, texts, and illustration changes for each client.
  • Participated in the internship program as a mentor. Assisted junior developers in getting started on Android and other projects.
  • Assisted with the transition from activity-based navigation to fragment-based navigation and from Model-View-Presenter to Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM). Introduced Reactive Programming to our app, together with Kotlin Flows and Stateflow.
  • Contributed to switching to a Manual Dependency Injection instead of Kotlin library (which doesn't have a type-safe parameters check at build time).
  • Developed at the UI level using Material-UI and Material Design with CardViews and Lottie animations.
Technologies: Android, Kotlin, Jira, Confluence, Jenkins, Slack, Google Play Store, Android Studio, Camera API, Encryption, Push Notifications, User Interface (UI), Android SDK, Dependency Injection, Material UI, Lottie, Unit Testing, Code Review, Source Code Review, Interviewing, Android Jetpack, Reactive Programming, Model View ViewModel (MVVM), Dagger 2, RxJava, RxJava 2, Coroutines, Task Analysis, Technical Hiring, REST APIs, Ktor, KOIN, Git, SDKs, Databases, Stateflow, Mobile, Material Design, Test-driven Development (TDD), APIs, REST, Mobile Development, Location Services and Maps, Google Maps API, CI/CD Pipelines, Figma

Android Developer

2016 - 2019
  • Developed a diagnosis app that helped users to self-diagnose their device before reaching out to a repair shop.
  • Created an SDK and test app with common functionality and encryption storage. It was integrated with different apps within the client's company.
  • Built a chat application similar to WhatsApp, which integrated instant and group messaging.
Technologies: Android, GitLab, SDKs, Applications, Git, Dagger 2, Retrofit, RxJava, RxJava 2, Unit Testing, Task Analysis, Interviewing, Code Review, Technical Hiring, REST APIs, Lottie, Databases, Mobile, Test-driven Development (TDD), Mobile Development

Android Engineer

2017 - 2017
  • Designed, developed, and delivered a ready-to-use application for one of my clients, which helped him manage his animal farm.
  • Added a new feature that reduced the calculation times by displaying a calendar with tasks to be completed in the current day. Those tasks were automatically calculated based on the previously added entries in the app: newborns and other features.
  • Expanded the app by replacing the local database with a remote database, thus increasing the capabilities of the farm employees to work together on the same data at the same time.
Technologies: Android, Android SDK, Android Studio, Java, Kotlin, Material UI, Room, Firebase, Task Analysis, Git, SDKs, Databases, Mobile

Farm Management App
An Android application for phones and tablets designed to help farm owners and administrators to manage their animals by keeping track of their vaccines, pedicures, medicines, newborn animals, etc. Additionally, the app has a feature to show daily tasks per animal based on the previous work added in the app.

Device Diagnostics App

An application that helps users check potential problems and issues on their devices before reaching out to a professional repair shop. I used an SDK for diagnosing, and I mainly developed the UI and the side screens.

Health Platform

An Android platform developed with SDKs and final apps, used by insurers and the insurances to communicate in the medical insurance field. The app has already started to be used in the big three EU countries, and soon, all residents will use the platform.


Kotlin, Java, GraphQL, C#, C++


Android SDK, Material UI, Ktor, KOIN, Dagger 2


REST APIs, RxJava 2, Retrofit, RxJava, Camera API, Chrome API, Android API, Google Maps API


Android Studio, GitHub, Git, Slack, Jira, Jenkins, Android Jetpack, Figma, GitLab, Confluence


Model View ViewModel (MVVM), Unit Testing, Reactive Programming, REST, Mobile Development, Dependency Injection, Test-driven Development (TDD)


Android, Mobile, Firebase, Contentful


MacBook, Room, Coroutines, Source Code Review, Code Review, Google Play Store, User Interface (UI), Lottie, Technical Hiring, Interviewing, Task Analysis, Material Design, APIs, CI/CD Pipelines, Jetpack Compose, Software, SDKs, Applications, Encryption, Push Notifications, Health Insurance, Stateflow, AndroidX, Location Services and Maps



2013 - 2016

Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science

Babes-Bolyai University - Cluj-Napoca, Romania

2009 - 2013

High School Diploma in Informatics and Applied Mathematics

Petru Rares National College - Suceava, Romania


Insurance Industry Jumpstart


Collaboration That Works

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