Ankush Singhal, Developer in Dubai, United Arab Emirates
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Ankush Singhal

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Software Developer

Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Toptal Member Since
May 19, 2021

Ankush是一名软件工程师,拥有超过8年的经验和各种各样的设计技能, architecting, developing, 并在银行中提供高容量和高可用性的多渠道应用程序, logistics, aviation, and travel domains. Ankush对学习充满热情,并有效地为全球各种客户提供技术解决方案,同时超出他们的期望.


Java, Spring Boot,微服务,Azure DevOps, Docker, Kubernetes, JSON, OAuth...
Java, Git, Spring Boot, rest式服务,Angular,微服务,Docker...
Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank
Java, Spring Boot, Oracle数据库,SOAP, Spring Batch,多线程,JSON...




Preferred Environment

Git, Spring Tool Suite (STS), Visual Studio Code (VS Code), Java, Spring, Linux

The most amazing...

...我开发的产品是一家领先的国际航空公司的3D/VR座位图, 使其成为第一个引入VR技术的航空组织.

Work Experience

Senior Development Engineer

2020 - PRESENT
  • 为使用Java和Spring Boot开发微服务创建了一个细分领域.
  • 与Noon合作开发阿联酋首个电子商务联名信用卡的后端基础设施.com.
  • 在Mashreq的Digital Studio中实现身份访问管理和安全即服务解决方案,该解决方案通过API网关在所有微服务中使用.
  • 管理应用程序和数据向内部和外部云以及微服务架构的迁移.
Technologies: Java, Spring Boot,微服务,Azure DevOps, Docker, Kubernetes, JSON, OAuth, Single Sign-on (SSO), Back-end, CI/CD Pipelines, REST APIs, APIs, Production Support, API Development, Web Security, Security, Message Queues, SOLID Principles, Async.js, REST

Software Engineer

2019 - PRESENT
  • 开发了一个应用程序,使用基于不同搜索和过滤选项的Twitter API从Twitter实时获取tweet.
  • 创建api和调度器,用于处理金融科技组织的支出和交易.
  • 建立了一个智能停车移动和网络应用程序,用于支付伦敦各种停车场的停车罚单.
  • 构建了一个网络和移动应用程序,可以实时在线共享笔记.
Technologies: Java, Git, Spring Boot, rest式服务,Angular,微服务,Docker, Selenium, Cypress, Java 8, Twitter, Twitter SDK, Twitter API, TypeScript, OAuth, Single Sign-on (SSO), Amazon Web Services (AWS), Back-end, CI/CD Pipelines, REST APIs, APIs, PostgreSQL, GitLab, Production Support, Jenkins, Oracle, SSL, API Development, Web Security, Keycloak, Security, Message Queues, NoSQL, SOLID Principles, Async.js, REST, WebFlux, OAuth 2

Senior Software Engineer

2019 - 2020
Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank
  • 设计并开发了一个批量事务处理系统,负责在ADCB中跨不同通道批量处理所有国内事务,从而在降低系统负载的情况下更快地处理事务.
  • 使用万事达卡数字支持服务的集成安全非接触式支付.
  • 领导了支付中心应用程序的增强和升级:一个实时全额结算系统,促进了阿联酋银行和其他金融机构之间的资金转移.
  • 管理多个项目,促进了各种银行流程(如KYC)的数字化, loyalty programs, and customer onboarding.
Technologies: Java, Spring Boot, Oracle数据库,SOAP, Spring Batch,多线程,JSON, JavaScript, Back-end, CI/CD Pipelines, REST APIs, Production Support, Oracle, API Development, Web Security, Security, Message Queues, SOLID Principles, REST

IT DevOps Engineer

2018 - 2019
  • 加强和优化了在迪拜机场所有航站楼部署的行李处理系统.
  • 开发了一个web应用程序,用于生产中虚拟袋试验的100%自动化,以计算BHIS应用程序的性能.
  • Tuned the performance, optimized the queries, 增强了应用流程,提高了端到端系统的吞吐量, including baggage sorting, storage, transportation, and reclaim facilities.
Technologies: Spring Boot, Angular, Microsoft SQL Server, RESTful Services, Java, MongoDB, HTML, CSS, JSON, JavaScript, TypeScript, Back-end, REST APIs, Oracle, API Development, SOLID Principles, Async.js, REST, Jakarta EE

Software Engineer

2013 - 2018
Emirates Group
  • Developed the flight reservation system, specifically targeted at mobile browsers, and contributed to making it the fastest airline web app globally.
  • 为阿联酋航空移动网站整合了3D和VR座位图, making it the first airline to introduce VR technology.
  • Developed and delivered Ancillary Stretch, 这是一个收费座位项目,每年增加9000万迪拉姆的收入.
  • 改进了预订航班和在线值机模块,使其更加以客户为中心,并帮助减少了值机时间和所需的点击次数.
Technologies: Java, Spring, Angular, SOAP, jQuery, Cordova, Java EE, JSON, JavaScript, TypeScript, OAuth, Single Sign-on (SSO), Amazon Web Services (AWS), Back-end, REST APIs, APIs, Production Support, Oracle, API Development, Message Queues, SOLID Principles, REST, JDBC, Jakarta EE, WebSphere

Emirates Mobile Website
这是一个非常复杂的航班预订系统,是阿联酋航空的优化版本.com. 它是航空业最快的网站之一,可以让客户控制机票预订的各个方面,并提供各种辅助产品和服务.

As a full-stack developer, I implemented ancillary services like the paid-seating project, the cabin-class upgrade, and fare branding. 这些服务增加了该组织的收入,并增强了现有的航班预订和在线值机旅程.

Token Lifecycle Management System for Contactless Payments

一个Spring Boot应用程序,用于管理通过阿布扎比商业银行与信用卡和借记卡集成非接触式支付而生成的令牌的生命周期.

I developed this application from its inception to going live. 该应用程序公开了与各种第三方系统内部通信的api,以管理生成的令牌,以便使用支持nfc的设备进行非接触式支付.

Mashreq Bank | Online Banking and Mobile Application
我为Mashreq的多渠道银行应用程序开发了后端. 我构建了7个微服务,它们与其他微服务和银行的遗留系统进行通信,为消费者的指尖带来便利和广泛的功能,比如数字卡, accounts, insurance, trading and stock options, bill payments, and many more.
2009 - 2013

Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science

Lingaya's University - Nacholi, India


jQuery, REST API, API开发,Twitter SDK, Twitter API, JDBC, JAX-WS, JAX-RS


Git, Spring Tool Suite (STS), Apache Maven, GitLab, Splunk, Jira, Confluence, Atlassian, Jenkins, IBM API Connect, Keycloak


Spring, Angular, Spring Boot, JUnit, Mockito, Selenium, AngularJS, Spring Batch, Spring Security, Hibernate, Cypress, WebFlux, OAuth 2, JSON Web Tokens (JWT)


Java, JavaScript, Java 8, JavaScript 6, HTML5, CSS3, SQL, TypeScript, HTML, CSS


REST, Microservices, Test-driven Development (TDD), Azure DevOps


Oracle Database, Java EE, Linux, Docker, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Twitter, Oracle, Jakarta EE, Kubernetes, IBM WebSphere, WebSphere


Spring Data, Spring Data JPA, Relational Databases, JSON, Microsoft SQL Server, Redis, MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, NoSQL, Amazon S3 (AWS S3)


SOAP, RESTful Services, Multithreading, Back-end, APIs, Message Queues, SOLID Principles, Communication, Code Review, Source Code Review, OAuth, Single Sign-on (SSO), CI/CD Pipelines, Production Support, Web Security, Security, Async.js, Cloud, Technical Hiring, Cordova, Job Schedulers, SSL

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